The Route

The Route
Thanks to "Riayn" for the snazzy logo!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Day 3 Riverside to Rawlins, WY

64 miles. We sadly left our little slice of heaven in Riverside and headed north to I-80 with a pit stop in Saratoga. While Barry suited up and dove in headfirst into the Hobo Pool simultaneously chatting up the local rancher also soaking, a smooth talking rainbow trail christian convert decided to put the moves on the three girls. Kris quickly put the kabash on that one and we headed out to a fabulous lunchspot at the I-80 underpass. Hummus and tortillas. Mmmmmmm! The rainbow gatherers honked as they flew up the on ramp. We made our own way up that on-ramp and proceeded to get our asses handed to us for 14 miles along the interstate (headwind and semi tractor trailers included). But we made it folks, and here we are in the windy city of Rawlins (sorry Chicago). Kris unhitched the B.O.B. and went for an immediate beer run while the rest of the Loaf Team set up camp. We hear there is some sweet Thai food to be had in these parts and are heading that way.


Matt said...

Looks like a lot of fun so far. I am jealous to see the snow. We could use some down here in Florida. IT'S HOT HERE!! Let me know if you find any good micro brews along the way.

Anonymous said...

First off, who's Matt? Second, I made it back to Fort Collins loafers and miss the tour terribly. Cars keep moving through the tunnel though as soon as I hit town. Go figure. Ride hard and fast. It's a race you know...

Matt said...

Ayn's Bro... from Naples, FL.