The Route

The Route
Thanks to "Riayn" for the snazzy logo!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Day 10: West Yellowstone to Ennis, MT

75 miles of downhill/wind at our backs bliss....we deserved this day. Got a late start after hanging out at the local women owned bike shop/cafe/patagonia retailer all morn and getting are bikes fixed up (cleaned and new tires). Stacy and Ayn LOVED this bike shop...enough said.

Gorgeous terrain as we went thru mountains and green, lush river and lakes galore. Absolutely beautiful! Stayed in a forest campground outside of town next to a beautiful river and pumped our water for dinner and dishes...a 3 person job. A pineapple was handed off to us 4 days ago and it was consumed in a "tasty" ham, soy sauce, pasta combo. This pineapple became our trademark and when in the grocery store Barry weighed one and it was 10 pounds...he needs something else to slow him down now. However, we couldnt eat it when there was snow on the ground...its a tropical fruit.


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